
Little ways to change your life

This year I have really put to practice new ways that I can change my life on a daily basis by changing small things that I do. I found that each of these ways helped me have a better day, be more productive and remind me that we can be whatever we want if we put our minds to it.

  1. Sleep

I’ve been trying to get more sleep and to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier and for me this means getting up at 8.30/9am instead of 11am and going to bed at 11pm instead of 1am. However this doesn’t have to be the same for you, just try get up an hour earlier than usual if you tend to struggle getting up (which let’s be honest most of us do!) I find that a good sleep and early rise puts me in a better mood for the day and means I’m more productive.

2. Make a morning and night routine

as unnecessary as this sounds, a routine in the morning and night means you actually do what you’re supposed to instead of sitting and watching Netflix or YouTube. It also allows your body to wake up in the morning and start to settle at night, personally I’m a night time shower kind of person and this relaxes me before bed.

3. Keep a diary

Now I’m not saying to write all your secrets into a journal or anything, just a diary of your daily plans or what you need to prioritise for the day so you can be organised. This is especially essential if you have a busy day ahead and can get stuck into the most important tasks first as it keeps you focused. Plus nothing is more satisfactory than seeing you have ticked off everything you were supposed to do.

4. Walking

This is especially important if you not someone who loves sport or going to the gym to get daily exercise done, so instead I like to walk to the shops of uni. It doesn’t have to be long, it can just be a 15/20 minute walk to work, school or uni but it makes all the difference to your day. For a start it means you aren’t stuck inside all day and it gives you time to think and just relax, exercise releases endorphins that make you happy, therefore walking is a must.

5. Meditation.

This only takes up 10 minutes of your day and helps you feel ten times better, especially if it’s an extra stressful day ahead. Some people only meditate when they are stressed, other feel that it helps to do it every morning or night to settle your mind, just do whatever works for you.

6. Diet

The food you eat makes a huge impact on your mood, more than most people actually know, this is why I try to eat a well balanced diet. I am by no means a healthy person, I have too much love for chocolate, but I do try to have meals that have protein, vegetables and carbs so that my body is getting all that it needs. Then if I want something sweet (which most of the time I do), I’ll just eat it in moderation.


This is definitely the most important one of all. Try to be positive and look for the good in things and surround yourself with likewise people. Don’t let a bad situation bring your day down and instead thing of the best way you can resolve things because nothing is ever as bad as we think it is. You might not know it but being positive and kind towards other people can make their day a little better as well.

“It Matters Not What Someone Is Born But Who They Grow To Be”